4 rock-pop mixed guitar tracks
2 pop mixed delay guitar tracks
2 pop-rock mixed guitar tracks
electric solos 1
electric solos 2
electric solos 3
rock guitar riffs
jazz stuff
acoustic solos
FunkRock Bass 1
FunkRock Bass 2
FunkRock Bass 3
lopping d-bass + bass solo
lopping d-bass (finger+bow)
Start by filling in our form
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What is the price?
A custom track within 5 minutes: 119€
Additional track of the same instruments: 25€ each
What does the package include?
The package includes:
- One FREE modification. Additional modifications are 20€ each.
- You own all rights of our work
- Money-back on your first order.
Do all prices include taxes?
All prices include 22% Italian tax
How do I pay for Eufonica's services?
We accept PayPal and Bank Transfer